🌍Global shifts - possible, probable, already happening✨


We complain about bureaucracy, government etc, but not when they actively protect us. 
In this way, can we view the handling of covid-19 from a global health perspective, in another light?

As I was taken care of at the airport in Rome, getting tested for the virus, I thought of this.

What if we treated healthy food for all in the same manner? Holistic health? The rehabilitation, health and promised vitality of our entire planet? From soil to soul?

Pessimism is not the way, but it is understandable considering how most of us were raised. Working as a journalist for several years, increasingly, the goal was to get more “clicks,” “engagement,” “impressions,” “shares” etc. Fear, or negative excitement is a fantastic way to achieve this. Joy is an even better way. But I digress… Thoughts about the state of sharing information on a global scale can be shared another time…

Change is possible in a big way and frankly I’m tired of people believing it’s not. It exhausts us all. It drains us of our energies. It keeps us complacent, bored, only just satisfied with life. Maybe there are moments of ecstasy. After all, everything on this Earth is fleeting and attempting to grasp it is futile. But I know deeply, on every level of my body/mind/soul/spirit/”flesh prison” that we can and will have a planet that will serve us all in ways we could have never conceived of previously.

If countries can come together to cooperate to ensure that people travelling between nations won’t continue to spread a virus knowingly or not, then who’s to say that “the powers that be” / “the man” / “they” / “the neoliberal elite” / whatever you want to call them can’t also unite in some way to seriously (but with a lightness of love) embrace what we so desperately need to embrace- the healing of our planet.

We must be responsible for our own pessimism. For our doubts, fears, worries… We must be willing to discuss them openly. To be vulnerable. To love every single person on this Planet Earth even if we may not agree with them on everything. I think we can all agree it would be amazing to leave this home better than it’s ever been.


What is Human Design?


What is natural is never extreme