July 2021 Astrology

July 2021 - Mars & Venus making a T-square to Saturn-Uranus

The astrology of July 2021 is poised to bring forth changes - some rather unexpected -  new beginnings, and a return to some themes or ideas that have been with us since the end of last year. The Saturn-Uranus square that characterizes much of 2021 will be activated by Mars and Venus in Leo this month, Mercury officially exits its shadow phase and changes signs twice, Jupiter returns to Aquarius due to Retrograde, Venus and Mars will both move into Virgo by the end of the month, and Leo season kicks off July 22. This month, we will journey through the astrological happenings by planet more or less chronologically. If you’d like a refresher on the basics of Astrology, check out my Astrology 101 article here.

Mars brings tension & action to the beginning of July

Remember that Saturn-Uranus square? The one bringing tension between changes and innovation on the material plane (Uranus in Taurus) with existing structures that are also increasingly in service to humanity (Saturn in Aquarius)? Well, right at the beginning of the month, Mars in Leo is joining the party.

The planet governing our action and drive, in the sign of Leo, gives us a boost of confidence and helps us align in the direction of our personal desires. Mars in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on July 1 and 2. While the speed of Mars is more visceral and quick, Saturn asks us to slow down and be deliberate. We might feel a discomfort in the way we take action, and might feel a pull between our own aspirations and how they fit in with the collective.

Around the same time, from July 2-4, Mars will form a square to Uranus, adding a sense of urgency and need for change, which might cause us to make a quick decision.

Overall, Mars in Leo can make us feel invigorated, more willing to express ourselves, confident, and passionate. If you need this energy right now, take advantage of it until Mars ingresses into Virgo on the 29. At this time, our actions might be more cautious, precise, efficient, and grounded.

Venus adds to the Saturn-Uranus square & gives us a mid-month confidence boost

Venus, also in Leo for most of July, gets in the mix with Saturn and Uranus too. Firstly, Venus will oppose Saturn from July 6-7, which might add a temporary degree of coldness or distance in our relationships. Next, on July 8-9, it could provoke sudden changes in our relations to others as it makes a square (which adds a lot of tension and typically demands some kind of action) with Uranus in Taurus. Be especially mindful of your interactions with others from July 6-9.

On a more buoyant note, Venus and Mars will conjoin on the 12 and 13, giving us an extra confidence boost and aligning our values with actions. These would be wonderful days to spend time with friends and move forward with projects that are important to us.

Venus will move into Virgo on the 22, where it wants to be of service to others and improve relationships with a keen attention to detail.

The Moon & Cancer season

Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, its season is one to pay even more attention than usual to its phases.  The New Moon in Cancer at 3h16 CET on July 9/10 is an invitation to renew your relationship to your emotions, while the Full Moon in Aquarius at 4h36 CET on the 23/24 asks you to release what’s blocking you from showing up as your unique self. 

For more on working with the moon’s phases, read my article here

Mercury Retroshade & more

Yes, Mercury is no longer Retrograde. However, its shadow phase will last until July 7. There may be some residual miscommunications and cloudiness, especially with Neptune’s influence in the mix in the form of a square to Mercury on the 5 and 6. Mercury will move twice this month - into Cancer on the 12 and Leo on the 28. If your mind feels like it’s switching gears a few times over the next four weeks, that’s why!

Leo Season 2021 - July 22 - August 22 2021

The Sun moves from Cancer into Leo on July 22. On a so(u)l-ar level, expect some shifts! Firstly, Leo is ruled by the Sun, so the Sun feels right at home in the sign of the lion. During Leo season, you might want to express yourself more and possibly be the center of attention, pay more attention to your physical appearance, feel more energetic and firey, and see that your path ahead is more illuminated.

Jupiter Retrograde 2021 - Jupiter returns to Aquarius July 28

Jupiter in Pisces stationed Retrograde in Pisces last month, and by July 28 it will ingress back into Aquarius, returning to Pisces December 28. For these five months, we continue our inward journey, examining our beliefs, growth, and expansion. We might be revisiting themes and consolidating gains from when Jupiter was last in Aquarius - from December 19 2020 until May 13 2021. 

Here’s a visual cheat sheet for July 2021’s major astrology transits. Save it to your phone for reference and feel free to share it!

July 2021 Astrology cheat sheet

July 2021 Astrology cheat sheet

Especially with Mars activating the Saturn-Uranus square, I invite you to balance your action this month with reflection and tapping into your intuition. Take time from being in the middle of everything to spend quality time with yourself. As Mercury will change signs twice in July, we could feel a bit overwhelmed on the level of your mental processes, so ensure you’re doing what you can to stay grounded. Meditation is always great, but even not overfilling your calendar is helpful.

If you’d like to read about the basics of Astrology, check out my Astrology 101 article

To learn more about your personal astrology, what’s coming up for you in the next little while, and how to harness the power of your unique cosmic energies, book a session with me here.

Stay tuned for your personalized July Holiscopes (holistic horoscopes) from Ora Collective

Wishing you a wonderful July,



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