⚡️Thrive with Human Design⚡️
4 week online
group transformation

Learn Human Design with me, Bianca, to master your energy, avoid burnout, and share your gifts with ease!

Our journey starts
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023!

Early bird pricing ends April 11

You are meant to achieve your dreams with ease.

I didn’t always believe that was true…
Before learning about Human Design,
I was a bit of a mess! 

I was working full time and quickly burning out. I knew I had the potential within me to do great things, but I was DRAINED. I’d drag myself to work with little enthusiasm, do the bare minimum, and return home exhausted,
with little energy for my passions and friends.

At a certain point, enough was enough, and I quit my job. I was sure I'd work for myself, but the details were a little fuzzy. I began to explore holistic health -- I studied Ayurveda, started making and selling my own teas, got into Tarot and Astrology.

All these beautiful modalities helped me heal from the inside and out and gain a ton of clarity about who I was and where I was headed...

But it was only until I discovered Human Design that things really began to *click*

Finally, I found something that explained why certain things would drain the life out of me, and others would light me up and have me going and going like the Energizer Bunny.

Following my Design led me to my present work as a Cosmic Clarity Coach, where I’ve been able to
share the magic of Human Design with so many people.

And now, I'd like to share it, in-depth, with you!

Imagine a life where…

⚡️You don’t have to consult a jury of your friends, family, or co-workers to make decisions, you know exactly how to easily tap into your inner guidance.

⚡️You wake up in the morning excited for the day ahead, knowing you won’t feel completely depleted at the end of it.

⚡️ You honour your body’s natural rhythms, achieving your ideal balance of work, rest, and play!

⚡️ Change doesn’t have to be difficult or completely throw you off-course. You know what you need to stay grounded and feel safe, no matter what.

⚡️You’re doing your soul’s work and easily attracting amazing clients and opportunities on your own terms.

⚡️You are able to flow with whatever comes your way, instead of resisting it.

Thrive with Human Design online course

Join me online for 4 weeks to
⚡️Thrive with
 Human Design⚡️

You'll learn:

the 5 energy types
+ which one you are ✨

the 9 energy centers - which energy is consistent to you, and which comes in waves 🌊

your unique decision-making strategy
+ how you’re meant to access your intuition 👁

your personality according to Human Design
the 6 main profiles 👤

your optimal digestion, environment,
and strongest sense 🌏

Course Outline

Lesson 1 - Harnessing your energy ⚡️
Exploring the 5 energy types :
Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, Reflector

Lesson 2 - Protecting your energy and making aligned decisions 💥
The 9 energy centers, strategy, and authority

Lesson 3 - How you’re meant to thrive 🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏽🤸🏿‍♀️
The 6 profile lines, optimal digestion, environment, and strongest sense.

Lesson 4 - Integrating it all 🧠
Putting it all together, reviewing what we’ve learned + Q&A

Is Thrive with Human Design for you?

You’re tired of living a life that doesn’t feel like yours and ready to live life on your own terms.

You’re ready to unlock the potential and soul gifts that you know are inside you.

You’re a creative person or aspiring entrepreneur that feels suffocated by the “normal way” of doing things.

You’re seeking more flexibility, while at the same time,
want to feel grounded and safe.

You’re interested in learning practical tips and tricks tailored to you to help you succeed.

Lucie, yoga and French teacher, digital nomad

“I learned more about Human Design from Bianca in 15 minutes than I did from a 1 hour podcast episode.”

Flavia, founder of Ora Collective

“Working with Bianca confirmed a lot of things I knew deep inside and reinforced me to take steps forward!”

Register here 〰

Register here 〰

     Ready to thrive?

Choose the payment option that works for you by registering below

starting at 65€



How much does the program cost?

Early bird price (valid until April 11):
A one time payment of 197€
or 2 payments of 98,50€
or 4 payments of 49,25€
choose your option above

Regular price:
One time payment of 255€
or 2 payments of 130€
or 4 payments of 65€

What’s included?

4 x 75 minute online classes with lifetime access to the recordings

1:1 coaching opportunities with Bianca during the class

Access to a private Geneva group

Q&A over the course of the 4 weeks in sessions and on the private group

PDFs of slides or additional course information

When does Thrive with Human Design take place?

Every Wednesday from May 3 to May 24 2023
at 7pm CET / 1pm EST

The course will take place virtually, on Zoom. Links will be provided upon registration.

What if I can’t make it to the live class?

No worries at all! All sessions will be recorded and able to be viewed after the live class takes place.

Participants will have lifetime access to the videos.

In between classes, you can hang out and ask questions our private group.

Any questions? Shoot me an email,
Holla at me on Instagram or TikTok,
or visit Life Forces Inc. on
the world wide web.