August Astrology & 3 Tips to Thrive

August 2021 - Honestly, things are pretty chill, cosmically speaking!

What’s your experience of Leo season so far? Are you feeling the heat, the passion, a boost of confidence? Are you more willing to be seen for exactly who you are? Are you expressing yourself without holding back and channeling your creativity into the things you love doing?

I am loving August’s astrology. It’s giving us a beautiful reprieve from the rest of the year so far. In general, what’s happening in the cosmos is rather gentle, but of course, everything affects everyone differently based on one’s own personal astrology and life circumstances.

We’ll have three celestial bodies in rulership throughout the course of the month - the Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, and Venus in Libra. These guys and gals will feel very much at home where they are and won’t try to cause any trouble. They’ll provide a nice boost to us in terms of vitality (Sun), communication (Mercury) and in our relationships, values, and beauty (Venus). 

I’m trying something new this time around. Instead of just listing off and discussing all the planetary ingresses and aspects of the month, I’m going to offer 3 tips based on 3 major astrological events. I’m capable of getting into the nitty-gritty, of course, but whether it’s Astrology, Tarot, or Human Design, I’m all about grounding the esoteric in the PRACTICAL. Let me know what you think!

For a refresher on Astrology basics, check out my Astrology 101 article here.

1. Carve out time for reflection in the first week of August.

The Sun and Mercury will be in an exact conjunction in Leo right on August 1 at 14h07 CET. When Mercury or any planet for that matter is in the heart of the Sun, it’s called cazimi. At this time, our minds will be more united than usual with our souls. And because there’s Leo energy, the themes here have to do with the heart and our individual power. If you can take time on this day, especially around the exact time of the conjunction, to pause all your doing and sink into being and listen to any messages that might arise, they will be especially potent!

In addition, the Sun and Mercury in Leo will be exactly opposite Saturn in Aquarius. We are halfway through Saturn Retrograde, which is a time to reflect on Saturnian issues in our life - boundaries, responsibility, and structure, for example. With the Sun and Saturn, it’s about the limits of your soul and ego - your persona and how you work with it, how you shine, the full expression of yourself versus responsibility and accountability. Because Aquarius is about the collective, there’s a sway here between you as an individual and how you fit into and are responsible for humanity.

Soon after, Mercury with square Uranus (August 4) and the Sun will follow suit (August 6 and 7). With a square, there’s more tension involved that often results in action. With Uranus in Taurus in the mix, there might be sudden insights and changes to our material world that compel us to communicate boldly (Mercury in Leo), as well as shifts on the level of soul expression (Sun in Leo). Be open to new information coming through and disruptions in your life to shake things up and make things better!

I would recommend not overcommitting to anything in the first week of August to make space for yourself to reflect, to fully listen to any messages that want to come in, and to welcome and be aware of any sudden changes that will present themselves for your highest good.

2. Ponder how your self-expression relates to the collective.

Leo and Aquarius are exact opposite signs, meaning they are on the same axis in astrology and sit across from each other on the Zodiac wheel. They are two sides of the same coin. Both have to do with expression and both are fixed signs, meaning they have a certain level of awareness and certainly about who they are and often don’t want to budge about it.

Sun in Mercury in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius already speaks to this shared energy and difference of expression. Simply put, Leo is self, and Aquarius is collective.

WIth the New Moon in Leo on August 8 and the Full Moon in Aquarius August 22, this opposition is highlighted. Both lunations are asking us to consider how our individual self-expression, talents, and desires of the heart relates to and serves the collective.

And the fact that this is our second Full Moon in Aquarius in a row is like an exclamation point. The Universe wants us to really(!) think about this and ensure that our actions are aligned with our personal integrity. So that what we’re putting out into the world is truly us. 

Are you holding yourself back at all?

Aquarian energy doesn’t mean abandoning your dreams in order to fit in, or to do what you think other people need because what you want to do is silly or frivolous. It’s about fully embracing what you love and what you desire on a soul level, because those things will most definitely serve the collective. And remember, Aquarius is about unconventionality and innovation as well. Chances are, the thing you’re meant to do or embody to create the most impact hasn’t been done how you’re doing it, so embrace your uniqueness!

3. Get shit done with Mercury & Mars in Virgo, and the start of Virgo season.

Ahead of Virgo season kicking off on August 22, there’s already a lot of detail-oriented, just do it Virgo energy in the air! Mars, planet of action and drive, has already been in Virgo since the end of July. Mercury will follow on August 11, making the remainder of the month an especially auspicious time for quite simply getting shit done. If you’ve got a long to-do list to tackle, if you want to improve your health and body, clean up and organize your space, or do some gardening (to name but a few ideas), Mercury and Mars in Virgo have got you covered. 

I especially love August 19 for a powerful day of action, especially when it comes to detailed work, as Mercury and Mars will be conjunct! As with any planetary conjunction, their energies will blend together, meaning your mind will likely feel more ready for action than usual!

A few days later, just after the Full Moon in Aquarius, Virgo season will start, which is a wonderful time in general to revamp your daily routines, pay more attention to your health and body, notice how you show up at work, and tweak anything accordingly. 

Here’s a visual cheat sheet for August 2021’s major astrology transits. Save it to your phone for reference and feel free to share it!

August 2021 Astrology cheat sheet

August 2021 Astrology cheat sheet

There you have it, your astrology tips for the month of August 2021!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to DM me on Instagram @lifeforces_bianca or comment below.

Interested in fully tapping into the energy of Leo, harnessing the power of the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8, setting intentions, and tuning into your heart and soul? Join us for our online New Moon in Leo workshop on Sunday, August 8!

To learn more about your personal astrology, what’s coming up for you in the next little while, and how to harness the power of your unique cosmic energies, book a session with me here.

Stay tuned for your personalized August Holiscopes (holistic horoscopes) from Ora Collective

May you bask in the warmth of August’s rays, may your soul feel renewed, and may you have the courage to fully show up as yourself,



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