March 2022 Horoscopes

Each month I write Holiscopes - Holistic Horoscopes - for the wonderful Ora Collective, a holistic health community offering workshops and incredible resources for your journey. Here’s your March 2022 astrology report!

March 2022 Astrology Forecast

March ushers in the Zodiacal New Year with Aries season and the Spring Equinox on the 20. Before that, we have a few more weeks of Pisces season’s empathy, interconnection, spirituality, and dreaminess. 

The New Moon in Pisces on the 2 is an opportune moment to set intentions related to these themes. While this lunation is infused with expansion, imagination, adaptability, and creative solutions, it also affords us the ability to think practically and communicate with certainty for the highest good of all beings.

With Jupiter’s influence on the 5, we might find ourselves with a stroke of luck or the propensity to overdo it. The next day on the 6, Venus and Mars join forces once more, this time in the sign of Aquarius. Our actions and desires will come together in a more innovative way, and the masculine and feminine parts of ourselves will be examined with more levity and openness.

Mercury moves into the sign of Pisces on the 10, adding an all-encompassing quality to our communication and affording more faith to our thoughts. The adaptable planet moves into Aries on the 27, shifting things to a more spontaneous and subjective gear. The 17’s Full Moon in Virgo allows us to heal, integrate, and unite disparate parts of our inner selves.

Around the beginning of Aries season, both Venus and Mars will form a square to Uranus. Be mindful of impulsive desires or actions; pause before you act. 

By the end of the month, Venus conjunct Saturn asks us to get serious about our relationships and clearly defining boundaries. 

March 2022 Horoscopes for each sign

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Happy Solar Return, Pisces! Your birthday season each year is one of growth and expansion, but this one is particularly juicy with Jupiter in your corner. How does your soul wish to expand? Although you can be quite the dreamer, It shouldn’t be difficult to set realistic intentions related to these new personal beginnings on the 2’s New Moon thanks to sobering Saturn’s influence. Mercury in Pisces on the 10 adds a dash of belief in yourself and trusting the bigger picture. You might be more sensitive than usual on the 13: beware of taking things too personally and instead see where you could be of service. Once Aries season begins, you’ll focus more on personal resources, but on the 23, you could glean some important spiritual insights about yourself. 

Aries & Aries Rising 

As a Mars-ruled person, you’re at ease when you’re doing, Aries. However, Pisces season is asking you to simply be. Connect with your spiritual side on the 2’s New Moon. What makes you feel part of something greater than yourself when you’re alone? Your emotions might feel particularly intense around this time. Let yourself release them in a healthy way. Coinciding with these feelings may be an uncompromising drive within you to get things done when it comes to your career. Your season begins on the 20, equal parts an opportunity for healing and celebration. Uranus’ influence around the 22 could inspire impulsivity, so pause before you act or react. Mercury arrives in your sign on the 27, adding more confidence and boldness to your communication.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

While Pisces season shines a light on your role in groups and humanity at large, Taurus, career is set to be a prominent theme in the first week of March. Saturn’s influence on Mercury around the 2’s New Moon will allow you to speak with clarity and conviction in your professional life, and once Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on the 6, you may reevaluate your approach in this sphere, while at the same time feeling like you can’t compromise. Use the 17’s Virgo Full Moon to get creative. You might feel a sudden shift in your values on the 19, but be wary of making any rash decisions as a result. Saturn may interfere with your ability to relax near the end of the month, but these energies are very conducive to getting serious about long-term relationships or agreements.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

If you didn’t get the chance to travel during Aquarius season, March might be your month, Gemini. As career is a big theme of your Pisces season, it could be that this journey is related to your profession in some way. When your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into Pisces on the 10, you might find yourself communicating in a more empathetic way to your coworkers or simply having increased faith in the way things are unfolding when it comes to what you’re publicly known for. On this same day, it would be helpful to examine the stories you tell yourself about your challenges. Are they true, or are you being too hard on yourself? Stay home and take care of your body on the 18’s Full Moon in Virgo. Once Aries season comes around, you’ll catch a stride in groups.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

While Pisces season is a time to learn and expand your horizons, the emotional depth of last month continues to build. The first week of March should enable you to speak about and understand your feelings with clarity and precision. Set intentions for spiritual growth on the 2’s New Moon. A special opportunity to travel or grow in a new direction could arrive on the 5. Mercury in Pisces on the 10 permits your mind to break free of obsession. Channelling your energy into learning about spirituality or philosophy will serve you well. On the Full Moon in Virgo, allow your words to help process your emotions and heal you by journaling. Career will be your main focus as of Aries season. Near the end of March, be mindful of acting on impulse from old emotional patterns.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Dear Leo, Pisces season asks you to boldly get into the depths of your soul. Consider keeping a dream journal to see what emerges from your unconscious, particularly around March 13. You’ll be able to tell it like it is to your loved ones around the New Moon, but don’t neglect your emotional wellbeing. A creative solution to a nagging problem might emerge here too. Aries season might have you journeying farther than you have in a while, so use the preceding time to heal your inner world. The Virgo Full Moon is fitting for this. Your relationships could be a bit off-balance this month, and a sense of detachment might be present, especially with Saturn’s influence on relational Venus in March’s final days. Don’t take it personally!

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Pisces season illuminates your 1 on 1 relationships, Virgo. How have they developed in the past little while? Set intentions for this area of your life on the 2’s New Moon. Clarity in your everyday life is coming your way around this time. When your ruling planet Mercury moves into Pisces on the 10, you might find it easier to trust in your close relationships and know that they will evolve for your highest good. A few days later on the 13, Neptune’s influence adds a haze to your relations, but on the 17, expansive ideas and liveliness come into play thanks to Uranus. Celebrate yourself on the Full Moon in your sign. Aries season will be a time for soul-level healing, and once Mercury catches up on the 27, a therapist or a coach could be helpful to process it all.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Daily life picks up speed for you during Pisces season, Libra. How will you choose to show up? The energies surrounding the New Moon on the 2 provide the opportunity for clear and realistic self-expression. Physical movement and connecting to your creative values are paramount when Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on the 6. How balanced are you in this area of your life? Are you able to easily take action on your creative ideas? This Full Moon in Virgo will be quite healing and spiritual for you. Ideally, spend it in quiet contemplation. Your ruling planet, Venus, isn’t so content this month, so don’t be surprised if you feel off, especially at the end of March when Saturn adds detachment to your relationships and things of beauty.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, your Pisces season is set to be as creative and playful as you allow it. The New Moon on the 2 is a great day to start a creative project where you can tap into guidance from the Universe. The next day, take advantage of the uncompromising, intense energy of Mars conjunct Pluto to follow through on your task. When Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on the 6, there could be increased tensions in your home and family life. Once Aries season begins on the 20, daily life comes into focus. Use this renewed power to do some physical and psychological spring cleaning. The influence of Uranus on the 22 might compel you to act especially hastily - take a beat before you go for it. Deep, effervescent ideas for your creative endeavour emerge on the 26. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

You continue to find significance in your home and family life in March, Sagittarius. Be on the lookout for news related to expansion in this area on the 5. More compassion emerges in communicating with and about your family once Mercury moves into Pisces on the 10, and when Jupiter comes to bless this part of your life on the 21, you will likely feel even more optimistic and expressive about your household and relatives. The Full Moon in Virgo is a chance to heal and release emotions about your career that aren’t serving you. Aries season will largely be about tapping into your creativity and your inner child. Your observations and thoughts about your immediate surroundings will be most sharp at the beginning of the month.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

For you Capricorn, Pisces season is all about your immediate surroundings. Over the past little while, you’ve been grounding into what’s truly important to you. Take these ideas into the New Moon in Pisces. If you need to communicate anything related to your personal values, you will feel the most certainty around this time. Once Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on the 6, it’s as if your values and how you take action are in a tug of war. Accept the smaller shifts that may have to occur as you move ahead. Your Full Moon in Virgo would be well spent learning about philosophy or spirituality. Near the end of March, you might find that your finances aren’t quite where you want them to be. Take a moment to be aware of all the other forms of abundance in your life.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

It’s time to connect to your financial health, self-esteem, and what is truly important to you, Aquarius. A new opportunity for self development appears on the 5. When Venus and Mars form a conjunction in your sign on the 6, be conscious of whether or not you might be taking things too personally. Your ego might be challenged around this time - support yourself by spending extra time in nature. Once Mercury moves into Pisces on the 10 you’ll have more faith in your own resources. The Full Moon in Virgo provides an opportunity for profound emotional healing. Come Aries season, you’ll get more involved with your immediate surroundings, but watch out for impulsive spending or actions related to your belongings or self-esteem between the 19 and 22.


First Quarter Moon in Gemini, Mercury in Pisces, & the Stories We Tell Ourselves


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