Consistency & Routine vs. Creativity & Flow

To be consistent, or to not be consistent, that is the question!
Whether ‘tis nobler the routines and rituals of outrageous scheduling or simply allowing your days to unfold.
(My interesting attempt at re-purposing Shakespeare… idk either 🤷🏻‍♀️ let’s just go with it!)

I had mentioned in my last email newsletter on the Full Moon in Leo that I was vibing with consistency after having worked on a creative project every. single. day. for a month! I was proud of my committment and my progress?

But guess what? A day or two after hitting send, I threw in the towel. Something within me felt off. I then remembered a CRUCIAL part of my Human Design chart that gave me permission to hit pause on my 30 day streak.

Active vs. Passive brain in Human Design

Take a look at the top left arrow in your Human Design chart. If it’s pointing to the left ⬅ you’re an Active brain person, if it’s pointing to the right ➡ you’re a Passive brain person.

The arrows on the Human Design chart point (no pun intended) to more complex aspects of the chart. They are certainly not the most important thing to focus on, but provide so much nuance to how we’re meant to operate.

The top left arrow shows us how our brains operate. If it’s pointing left, you have an Active brain and consistency is good for you, if it’s pointing to the right, you have a Passive brain and you need room inconsistency - for more flow and less structure.

To be clear, there is no advantage to either an Active or Passive brain, one isn’t better or smarter than the other, they just require different things!

Active / consistent brain tips

  1. Working routine into your life is a good thing.

  2. Scheduling your day to the minute could honestly work for you — your calendar is your friend.

  3. Consistently working on something, day after day, is a way to tap into your creativity and your genius.

  4. Starting and ending your days in a similar way grounds you.

  5. Sticking to regular mealtimes is supportive to you.

Passive / inconsistent brain tips

  1. Let go of the idea of strict routines. Incorporate the things you love to do every day in a flowy way.

  2. Aside from meetings or obligations involving other people, leave your personal schedule open.

  3. If you want to work on something every day, don’t force yourself to do it at the exact same time. Let yourself be flexible and take some time off if needed.

  4. Starting and ending your days the same way each day can get boring for you.

  5. Allow yourself to eat more intuitively.

So in case you were wondering… I am an inconsistent brain type gal. While I love me a good routine, the minute something starts feeling oppressive to me, I drop it. That’s exactly what happened with working every day on my creative project for a month.

I have since taken over a week off and it feels great. I know I’m going to hop back in, and when I do, I’m going to be a little more flexible. For me that means only chipping away at it on weekdays, letting my brain rest and do its thing on the weekends.

What about you? Are you an active or passive brain person? What’s your relationship like with routine and consistency? Let me know in the comments :)

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New Moon in Pisces - Hope, realism, autonomy, and collective love


Full Moon in Leo - Expect the Unexpected