Full Moon in Pisces - Sublime Platitudes
You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.
Enjoy the present moment.
We’re all connected.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Believe in yourself.
Follow your heart.
Trust in divine timing.
There’s something about Pisces energy that brings me back to sayings like these. There’s something about what’s been going on in my life lately that plops me straight into clichés.
We have clichés for a reason. They’re a heuristic shortcut to the biggest lessons we’ll learn in life, as cheesy as they might be.
Complicated grief, pain, confusion, darkness, turbulenece, is unfortunately often what leads us to the simple truths of our existence.
I like to call these sublime platitudes. We’ve heard them all a milllion times, yet when we hold them in our hearts in a moment of stillness and block out the haters, we can sense their magic.
Pisces, its symbol ♓️ representing two fish swimming in opposite directions, held together by a rope, reminds us — we are still bound to that which we wish to escape from. Whether it’s a person who’s political opinions we don’t agree with, a difficult living situation, the darkest parts of ourselves, or an idea, we can never be separate.
Pisces dissolves and connects. It whispers in our ear, “you are not alone.”
Drawing by House of Mama, creator of the Deck of Character, incredible intuitive and human
As painful or even as joyful as certain life lessons can be, they always bring us back to something greater than our own physical existence.
In Virgo season, where we energetically remain until September 23, we can get stuck in the details, “lost in the sauce” if you will.
We can hold a magnifying glass up to our flaws, to “what’s wrong” in ourselves, others, and greater structures and systems. It wants to grip tightly and control. There are times where we need this — creating routines, healthy habits, organization and optimization of different aspects of our life.
Pisces, Virgo’s direct opposite, assists us in letting go. In surrendering and accepting what is. In having compassion for ourselves and those around us, all doing our best with the experiences we’ve had and the tools in our arsenal.
On this Full Moon in Pisces, exact at 17 degrees, 11:58am Central European Time on Saturday, September 10, 2022, we are asked to zoom out of the details to reflect on the bigger picture. Don’t limit yourself to what you can experience with your senses.
With Neptune conjunct this Full Moon, our creativity, empathy, and intuitive gifts can flourish. As Mercury is stationing Retrograde in the sign of Libra just before (at 5:38am the same day), we might be prone to fuzzy thoughts and misinterpretations, especially in our close relationships. Any tension that we wish to be released, any conflicts to be parsed through are resolved without words. Perhaps you’ll feel and energetic release, or there’s an unspoken shift in a sticky situation.
Jupiter in Aries opposite Mercury in Libra adds a dash of optimism and good vibes, contributing to our view of the whole cosmic pie, rather than just our little slice. We find a happy medium between personal growth and harmony with others as we integrate universal truths.
On this Full Moon in Pisces, also known as the Harvest Moon, reap what you’ve sown over the past six months (especially since the New Moon in Pisces on March 2). Celebrate your progress, and allow yourself to believe in whatever sublime platitude speaks to your soul.
To dig deeper, check out my guide to Living with the Moon’s Phases, Full Moon Ritual ideas, and Full Moon Tarot spread.
For my 1 on 1 Cosmic Clarity coaching, schedule a complimentary 30 minute call to explore how I can support your journey.