Full Moon in Virgo - An Opportunity to Ground and Heal
Full Moon in Virgo 2022 - March 18 at 7:17am GMT
exact at 8h17 CET / 7h17 GMT / 3h17 EST Friday March 18 in 27 degrees Virgo.
Nearing the end of watery, mystical Pisces season, we have a beautiful opportunity to ground and heal with the Full Moon in Virgo.
The energy of this lunation is still very dreamy and imaginative, with the Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces, with Mercury and Jupiter forming a separate conjunction in Pisces. We still have the opportunity to get swept up in either illusion or possibility thanks to this configuration.
Chart of the Full Moon in Virgo, March 18 2022 at 7:17am GMT
We may find ourselves more sensitive than usual, and this affords us more empathy towards others, feelings of interconnection and interdependence, and more opportunities for profound spiritual connection. Our minds expand to new possibilities, especially with Mercury’s sextile to Uranus, which can encourage new discoveries and encounters, finding new solutions to old problems. Ideally, leave some room for spontaneity on this day and in any Full Moon rituals you might engage in.
In contrast to this Piscean energy, earthy Virgo comes in to ground us. Virgo is a sign of everyday practicality. Of taking care of the body and mind so that we can allow our souls, our true selves, to take the lead. Of attending to the details that enable us to step back and look at the bigger picture with more certainty. Virgo seeks to heal what we are dealing with in a realistic way, step by step. If Pisces is spirituality and Virgo is quotidian, this Full Moon also asks us - how do you incorporate ideas of spirituality into your everyday life?
With this Moon in Virgo forming a supportive trine to Pluto, planet of deep transformation and rebirth, our self-healing is further encouraged. This time provides a moment to integrate what we’ve been learning and to allow disparate parts of ourselves to come together in a united whole.
As with any Full Moon, we are at the height of the lunar cycle and our collective consciousness (Sun) opposes our unconscious (Moon), allowing us to release any emotions or energy that has accumulated. I encourage you to find a way to allow this a healthy way out. Check out my Full Moon ritual ideas post for some inspiration. With Virgo in the mix, pay extra attention to your body. Cook and eat a healthy meal and get some movement in. Both Virgo and Pisces are mutable signs that can be easily overwhelmed, so carve out some quiet time and drop into a guided meditation.
We are also stepping into Aries season in a few days - the occasion of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of the Zodiacal new year. This Full Moon in Virgo is truly the moment to let go of what we don’t need to begin anew.
If you’d like to go deeper, consider these journal prompts:
What is asking for your attention at this time?
What parts of yourself feel like they don’t belong together? How are they actually united? Are there certain activities you take part in that bring these parts together?
What makes you feel whole?
What does healing mean to you?
How do you incorporate spiritual connection into your everyday life?