First Quarter Moon in Gemini, Mercury in Pisces, & the Stories We Tell Ourselves
On this First Quarter Moon in Gemini, I am thinking about the stories we tell ourselves, a concept I first heard about through Aaron Rose, originating from author Brené Brown.
As I have previously written, the First Quarter Moon, which occurs every month, is the time to reconnect to your why - the motivation surrounding your intentions - and fully commit to them. The Moon is 90 degrees away from the Sun. Astrologically speaking, this position or aspect is known as a square and may indicate challenges or crises arising. While there may be tensions between the conscious and unconscious, this is a time to take actions on your dreams.
This time of the lunar cycle is always a good time to check in with the challenges that have come up. With this First Quarter Moon landing in the intellectual, curious, and airy sign of Gemini, I ask not only, “What challenges have come up for you recently?” but also, “What is the story you tell yourself about them?”
I, a human being, humbly admit I experienced some challenges as recently as last night. I am living on a Greek island, and attend traditional Greek dance classes every week, usually in the company of my boyfriend, who’s from here. He had to work so I went alone. There are few times in life when I feel this vulnerable and anxious. I am slowly learning Greek, but am not so comfortable expressing myself beyond the basics, and left to my own devices in these classes, I am mainly just following the steps and feeling confident only in my knowledge of Greek numbers.
The story I was telling myself last night was something along the lines of, “I am a silly Canadian woman who has almost no idea what’s going on, in an hour-long process of completely humiliating herself.”
Even after a woman kindly and quickly explained a complicated spinning manoeuvre in English, I kept messing up. When plastic shot glasses were handed out near the end of class, I mistakenly thought we were celebrating something and said “I don’t drink,” when in fact they were to be used as makeshift castanet-type instruments on our fingers in the next series of dance moves. Did I feel like a complete idiot at that moment? Pretty much!
Instead of completely spiralling out and embedding myself in the embarrassing Canadian woman narrative, I allowed in levity to the situation. I would only truly be humiliated if I was arrogant enough to believe anyone in that room truly thought I was dumb. This was all based on the story I made up about the dance class.
The castanet dance was to be done in pairs, and I was partnered up with an older man. I continually shook off the embarrassing woman narrative with each step. He was also very kind and reminded us both of the directions we were meant to dance within the sequence. Later in another dance, he complimented me.
How quickly things can shift when we choose another perspective; when we choose to see things differently, which often involves not taking ourselves so seriously.
“Your attitude, how you look at the world, will determine what you get in life,” author Robert Greene said in an interview. If I remained stuck in my stubborn narrative, I might have left the class early, or stumbled through the dances with heaviness and very little joy.
There is so much thrown in our direction making us so easily prone to having a shitty attitude. Some days we have to do crazy backbends à la Neo in The Matrix to dodge the bullets of pessimism, fear-mongering, and lack mentality. It’s even more difficult when most others seem to be on the same shitty bandwagon.
This First Quarter Moon in Gemini asks us to be curious, and reminds us that it’s safe to do so - to remain open to different scenarios and perspectives, diverse angles to the situations we find ourselves in. Gemini energy evokes the need for change and spontaneity in our lives.
One of the main themes emerging in the astrology of this lunation is illusion versus possibilities. The Sun in Pisces is sandwiched in between Jupiter and Neptune, also in the sign of Pisces. The season we find ourselves in marks the end of the Zodiacal year, and is symbolic of all different types of energies mixed together. Empathy, faith, and remembering the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe is the name of the game.
The Astrology of the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, March 10, 2022
To me, the period of Jupiter in Pisces is one of our collective spiritual expansions. Where we allow ourselves to lean into our beliefs of what cannot be easily explained by cold, hard facts. Jupiter shows us possibilities of how we can grow and coexist together.
Neptune in general but especially in Pisces has much to do with transcendence, creativity, intuition, and true interconnection. It leads us to surrender that bifurcates in either the direction of collective merging for the greater good or towards illusion and delusion.
Neptune can show us beautiful possibilities that will help us evolve, or beautiful illusions that distract and lead us astray. Getting high on life and all of its mysteries or getting high on substances that enslave us. Both can show us beautiful ways of existing, but only one is sustainable and rooted in reality.
Mercury also moved into the sign of Pisces today, which is especially significant since it’s the ruler of this lunation (the Moon is in Gemini and Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini). Both Gemini and Pisces are mutable signs, meaning their essence is adaptable, shapeshifting, and flexible. It’s “both and” not just this or that. Mercury in Pisces is certainly more sensitive than Mercury in Aquarius (which we’re coming out of). Its cognition is nearly inextricable from its feelings. We might be more open and understanding of others’ perspectives and have an increased ability to have faith. This faith can be of service when our feet are mostly on the ground, but if we’re floating amongst the clouds of illusion, we might think we’re flying when in fact we’ll soon hit the ground.
Returning back to the stories we tell ourselves, these can be rooted in illusion or possibility. Illusion in this sense relates to more black and white thinking - “I’m definitely an idiot” or “There’s no way I can do that” - while possibility is prismatic - “I could be an idiot but I’m more likely being hard on myself, and I’m probably doing the best I can in this situation” or “I might not see it right now, but I can find a way to do that”.
Possibilities are rooted in love. Illusion is rooted in fear. On this First Quarter Moon in Gemini, I pray that you view any obstacles on your path through the lens of positive possibility and that you begin to tell yourself more beautiful stories.