Full Moon in Virgo - Release the need to be perfect
Full Moon in Virgo 2023 - Tuesday, March 7 at 13h40 CET / 7h40 EST at 16°40’ Virgo.
The Full Moon arrives in Virgo on the 7, providing us with the opportunity to release tension, worry, and inferiority, and tune into the balance between the everyday and the spiritual. Our intuition is heightened, and we may have a greater interest in healing and looking at beliefs when it comes to our wounds.
Last year, when I pondered the Full Moon in Virgo, I was thinking about the balance between the spiritual and the everyday, which is something at the forefront of my work as a Cosmic Clarity Coach. I truly believe both can coexist peacefully and joyfully. Your spiritual practice does not have to be a special entity outside of your normal, sometimes boring every day life. In fact, I think both as stronger when they are in unity.
As we conclude the astrological year with Pisces season, now is a wonderful opportunity to look at the lessons you’ve learned. Even the tiny ones. Virgo energy loves details. It loves organization and everything in its right place. How can you honour these past 12 months and find a spot within you for everything you’ve been through that you’d like to take with you to Aries season and beyond?
Chart of the Full Moon in Virgo, March 2023
We have the last gasp of Saturn in Aquarius energy for now, as Saturn will make its way into Pisces at 3:35pm CET. The planet of karma and structure moves into the mutable water sign where it will remain until 2026. Our faith, beliefs, and meaning-making systems will be tested, disillusionment will arise alongside new utopias, and spirituality will need to hold integrity to survive. But before that — what have you learned over the past few years, especially when it comes to the collective and visions for the future? Where have you taken more responsibility and overcome challenges?
Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, is in Pisces with the Sun. This supports us in receiving intuitive insights, and in spiritual, empathetic communication. The Moon is opposite Mercury, which can feel like a battle of logic vs. Emotions, but curiously Mercury is in a feel-y water sign, while the Moon is in a practical earth sign. To me, it strikes quite a neat balance between this two seemingly disparate concepts and reminds us that we can’t just do and think — we need to be and feel.
The Moon’s squaring Mars in Gemini which can stimulate us, making us more irritable or hasty in our actions or reactions. It’s important we let off steam. As a Virgo Moon, I can tell you that I am prone to not fully processing my emotions, and therefore not letting off steam when I should. A little bit of steam at a time is less volatile than a full-on explosion. Although Virgo is not the most exciting sign, Uranus in Taurus comes through to shake things up, bringing emotional excitement, surprises, and the need to make changes.
Jupiter is approaching Chiron in Aries (this is exact on March 12). Jupiter expands and can exaggerate whatever it comes into contact with, ask us to examine our beliefs about it, and also brings blessings. Chiron represents the “wounded healer” within us all. Chiron in Aries has been gesturing towards a crisis of individuality on the planet. Jupiter wants us to look at our beliefs when it comes to our wounds and understand greater truths about our journey, so that we can fully be ourselves. It’s a great time to deepen your healing as well, especially if it’s physical, Virgo’s domain. Venus is also hanging out with these two, which can help us face any wounds around relationships and finances while also bringing blessings to these facets of life.
In all, this Full Moon is very supportive to any sort of healing that needs to take place — large or miniscule. Be open to any insights you receive over the next few days, pay attention to your dreams, and find spirit in the small things, and the small things in the spiritual.
Want more moon? Read my guides to the Lunar cycle and Full Moon ritual ideas.
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