Surviving vs. Thriving

We all deserve to thrive. To feel like we’re at our best, to be not only healthy but energetic and radiant, to not only have friends and people we can talk to, but those who deeply understand us. To not just have a job but a career that we’re passionate about.  To have more than enough abundance in our life, not just enough to get by.

So many of us are only surviving, often because we don’t believe we deserve better, or it’s what we’re used to. We feel so burnt out and exhausted at work that we have no time to do the things that truly bring us joy. We give and give to everyone else with nothing left for us. We’re stuck in a loop of self-sabotage, frustration, anger, and even sadness because we hate how things are, but can’t see a way out.  Yet living in survival mode with our nervous system in fight or flight mode rather than rest or digest is a completely unsustainable way to live. It is wreaking havoc on our bodies, our minds, and our souls. 

While thriving might seem like an unattainable state to you right now, it’s not only achievable, it’s easier than you think. I’m a firm believer in making those small choices in the right direction each day accumulate into big changes without much thought. 

I rely on the knowledge I’ve gleaned from Human Design to help me thrive, and I love and trust it so much that I’ve created a
4 week group coaching transformation to get others on this path. Learn more about it here and start your Human Design journey with me at a FREE Masterclass on Tuesday, March 21, which you can sign up for here.

Here are three mindset shifts to get you out of surviving and into thriving!

1. Give yourself what you need before you help others. 

“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” “Put on your oxygen mask before assisting others.” There are countless sayings out there trying to get us to understand that spreading ourselves too thin does a disservice to those we’re trying to help, but most importantly ourselves!

There have been countless times where I’ve given a lot to those around me, only to feel resentful and frustrated when all of a sudden my battery’s at 0% and there’s no charger in sight. You are 100% responsible for prioritising you. No one else can do it for you. Thriving people that you admire undeniably get this and take the time and space they need for themselves so that they can fully recharge and share their energy with joy rather than bitterness.

When I was still working my 9 to 5 office job, this looked like getting up early enough to meditate, make a good breakfast, pack a lunch and go to the gym. Giving myself what I needed before work completely shifted my energy. I started the day centred and proud of myself, and it all spilled into the rest of the day. 

2. Be realistic about your time and energy. 

Personally, I can get so ambitious about how my day or week is going to go, that I completely overbook myself. At the end of the day, I’m pissed off that I didn’t check off all my to-dos and exhausted! 

You know yourself better than you give yourself credit for, it’s just that you probably ignore your gut feelings in the pursuit of “productivity” – some ideal version of you that’s basically a robot, always “getting things done.” 

You are a human BEING (not a human doing), meant to flow between different states throughout the day – work, rest, play, connection. Give yourself the breaks you need and remember that the more effectively you can recharge, the more effectively you can get shit done when need be. 

When it comes to what you have control over – whether it’s taking on an extra work project or making plans with friends – check in with your Human Design authority or intuition to make sure it’s something you really want to do. 

3. Believe that you deserve to thrive. 

Beliefs are eVeRyThiNg! They help shape our habits, the nature of our actions, and our lives. Our beliefs can limit us or help us grow. Part of the reason why we can get stuck in survival mode is that we don’t believe there’s another way, or that we don’t deserve something better. 

Remember, that you can choose what you want to believe. This is in your control. You can choose to believe that work has to leave you burnt out and frustrated or that work can uplift you, bring you joy, make a difference, and bring abundance to your life.

I believe that we all deserve to thrive, but you have to believe it for yourself. You have to define your own version of thriving and check in with yourself to make sure that your actions and decisions are in alignment with the thriving version of you.

For example, you can ask yourself:

Would the thriving version of me go out tonight or take some extra rest? 
Would the thriving version of me stay in this job or take the steps to find something more aligned?
Would the thriving version of me choose to date this person that isn’t quite right for me or trust that the right person will come along? 

I am sending you all of these words with so much love. I believe you can thrive!
Please feel free to comment below or send me any feedback at

If you’re looking to live like the thriving version of you, join me on March 21 for my FREE masterclassHow to Thrive with Human Design. Claim your spot here.

May 3, 2023 kicks off my 4 week
Thrive with Human Design group coaching program.
Get all the details here. Looking forward to helping you thrive!


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