Human Design & Authenticity

Human Design is one of the many systems of wisdom I have discovered to help keep me on an authentic path. I had the pleasure of going deep on all things Human Design with my friend Cami Minerbo, host of The Blossom Experiment podcast. We got so deep, in fact, that we had to split our chat up into two episodes. Part one is out now! And here’s what we covered:

• About Bianca: her background, being a Cosmic Clarity Coach, working with Astrology, Human Design & Tarot

• How her life & mental health challenges led her to the path she's now in

• How she found out about Human Design

• What is Human Design & why it's so useful + actionable

• Energy Types & their strategies: Generators, Manifesting-Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors

• We were not designed to all work and live in the same way

• Being shamed by naturally living your design because of conditioning

• How to de-condition

• Defined/Closed vs Un-defined/Open centers

• How to identify what is yours vs not with open centers

• Practical tips on how to act with your strategy

• Discovering your passion, following joy and alignment

• The Not-Self & being out of alignment

• Connecting to your intuition: authorities - the 7 different types of authorities and how each one manifest

• New Era: Going into a more individualized way of doing things

Listen to episode 57 / part 1 on:
YouTube - Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Google Podcasts

If you’re looking to tap into the power of your authenticity and wake up in the morning not feeling like a tangle of stress, join me on March 21 for my FREE masterclassHow to Thrive with Human Design. Claim your spot here.

May 3, 2023 kicks off my 4 week Thrive with Human Design group coaching program. Get all the details here. Looking forward to helping you thrive!


More Human Design & More Authenticity


New Moon in Pisces - Hope, realism, autonomy, and collective love