June 2021 Astrology

June 2021 - Saturn Square Uranus, changes abound!

June promises to be an exciting month, astrologically speaking. Change is always happening, of course, but it’s sure to stand out this month with Saturn, planet of structure, tradition, and restriction, making its second exact square of the year with Uranus, planet of freedom, disruption, innovation, and technology on June 14. Because these are outer planets affecting the collective, we will likely observe this through events that challenge our existing systems throughout the whole year.

The last exact Saturn Uranus square was February 17 of this year, and the third and final one will take place December 24. Around the first transit, the whole GameStop short squeeze was happening in the stock market, thanks to the coming together of Reddit users, and farmers continued protesting in India against three new laws passed by the Parliament in September 2020.

The tension (square) here is between changes and innovation on the material plane (Uranus in Taurus) with existing structures that are also increasingly in service to humanity (Saturn in Aquarius). 

Venus in Cancer June 2, Venus in Leo June 26 2021

On a more personal level, June kicks off with Venus ingressing into Cancer on the 2nd, giving us a little preview of Cancer season beginning later in the month on the 20th. Attitudes towards our relationships and values may take on a more emotional, nurturing quality. We are likely to seek comfort and genuine love in these areas, and may want to share in more affection with others. Later in the month on June 26, Venus moves into Leo. Leo energy wants to shine and be itself, so the vibe here might be a bit more individualistic, or we might feel more emboldened in our relations with others. 

New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 10, 2021 @ 6:52am EST, 12:52pm CET

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini picks up where the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26 left off. This is an opportunity to reconnect to your curiosity and to set intentions related to Gemini themes - close friends and siblings, your community, learning, communicating. Overall, this eclipse season will put into sharp relief your personal truths and how they relate to universal truths.

Mars in Leo - June 11 - July 29 2021

Mars will move out of Cancer and into Leo on June 11. Many will likely find it easier to take action and to forge ahead, as Mars feels more at home in a fire sign. It’s a great time to move your body more than usual, which could help mitigate the potential mind and nervous system overload of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, and the tension it will add to the Saturn-Uranus square. 

Cancer Season June 20 - July 21 2021 & Jupiter Retrograde June 20 - October 17

On the same day we move into Cancer season, June 20, Jupiter stations Retrograde in Pisces. As I outlined in a previous article, Jupiter in Pisces will characterise much of 2021 and 2022, and its Retrograde time would be best spent reflecting inward on our beliefs. Any Retrograde is an opportunity to go back and review how far we’ve come in relation to the energy of a certain planet.

Mercury Stations Direct - June 22 2021

After nearly a month Retrograde, Mercury will station direct on June 22. It will remain in its shadow phase or “retroshade” until July 7. On the level of your mind, processing information, and communicating, take your time, and be aware that these weeks are ripe for miscommunications, delays, and misunderstandings especially if you have a lot of mutable energy in your chart (planets in Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Virgo).

Full Moon in Capricorn - June 24 2021 @ 2:40pm EST / 8:40pm CET

Two days later on June 24, we’ll have a Full Moon in Capricorn. You may find that certain things you started around the New Moon in Capricorn back in January will have come to fruition or made serious progress. Celebration and release are always front and center when the moon is fullest. Here, let go of anything preventing you from taking full responsibility or any structures that aren’t working and honour the ways in which you are stepping more and more into your personal power. For more on working with the moon’s phases, read my article here

Neptune Retrograde - June 25 - December 1 2021

Neptune, the mysterious outer planet ruling what is ethereal, unknown, ecstatic; the master of self-delusion and glamour, will station retrograde on June 25, as it does every year for 5 months. From now until nearly the end of the year, we are being asked to reflect on our relationship to the unknown and the Divine, and to see where we might have succumbed to illusion and fantasy instead of the truth.

Although so much is afoot on the level of our personal lives and of the collective, I encourage you to ease into June - to slow down when you can and ensure that you carve out the space and time for personal reflection, to create your own peaceful safe haven no matter what is going on outside of it. 

Here’s a visual cheat sheet for June 2021’s major astrology transits. Save it to your phone for reference and feel free to share it!

June 2021 Astrology

June 2021 Astrology

If you’d like to read about the basics of Astrology, check out my Astrology 101 article here.

To learn more about your personal astrology, what’s coming up for you in the next year, and how to harness the power of your unique cosmic energies, book a session with me here.

Your June Holiscopes (holistic horoscopes) from Ora Collective are coming soon!

With love,


Full Moon in Capricorn Guide


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius & Full Moon Tarot Spread