The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius & Full Moon Tarot Spread
May 26 2021, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius - May 26, 2021
The next full moon is quite a special one - a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021 at 11:13 GMT. It’s a supermoon - a moon that is particularly close to the Earth when it’s full. And May’s full moon will be the closest we’ll experience all year. This May lunation is also called the Flower Moon according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, as it marks the last month of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Moonrise will occur at 21:25 GMT that day and moonset at 5:25 GMT the following day.
Before we dive into the specifics of this stand-out Super Moon, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and before I share a Full Moon Tarot spread with you, let’s review the basics.
What is a full moon?
As I wrote in my previous article about the moon’s different phases, where you can learn all about lunar energy, the Full Moon happens approximately 15–18½ days after the New Moon. When the moon appears fully illuminated in the sky, it is considered the peak or climax of the lunar cycle. Emotions tend to run high, many people have trouble falling asleep and might be their most energetic around this time of the month. The energy is the most yang, or action-oriented at this time.
Astronomically, the Sun is opposite the Moon. In Astrology, this means they are 180 degrees apart, in opposite signs. For example, because we are currently in Gemini season, the Sun is in Gemini, therefore the Full Moon will occur in its opposite sign of Sagittarius.
What is the meaning of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius?
Full Moons are always a time for release, especially when it comes to emotions. There is a sense of completion here as well, and we may experience the manifestation of the seeds we planted or things we started around the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 14, 2020.
Full Moons are always a time to celebrate what you’ve accomplished and embodied during this lunar cycle and beyond and to let things go! If certain things aren’t working for you, allow yourself to release them.
For a Sagittarius Full Moon, there is a big emphasis on beliefs and greater truths. Seeing the bigger picture. Experiencing life as an adventure. Having a healthy relationship to our confidence and commitments. How do you relate to these themes? How do you experience truth? Is there anything hindering your positive development in any of these areas?
Some people like to write down what they’d like to release and then burn the paper. I encourage you to release in whatever way makes sense to you. In addition to celebrating and releasing, take inventory of all that you have to be grateful for. Thank the Universe or whatever or whoever you wish for everything that’s come your way and everything that’s still to come.
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, all about expansion, growth and beliefs. Jupiter is currently in Pisces, the sign of interconnectedness, spirituality, the subconscious, and higher forms of creativity, so don’t be surprised if these vibes come into play during this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Jupiter will also be making a square (90 degree angle) to both the Sun and the Moon, meaning this lunation is ripe with opportunity for expansion on an emotional and soul level.
Eclipses & Full Moon Magic
This May 26 Full Moon in Sagittarius brings more heightened and unstable energies due to the fact that it is an eclipse.
According to NASA, an eclipse happens “when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another heavenly body.” A lunar eclipse specifically is when the Earth moves between the Sun and the moon, blocking part of the Sun's light from reaching the moon.
As Astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo explains from a more spiritual perspective, eclipses are so much about “dealing with ourselves in a really personal way,” The moon is involved, so there’s emotions, and then everything is turned up to 11 because it’s an eclipse.
Some consider eclipses a portal - a gateway to your future self, to your authenticity, to what is truly meant for you. They have the power to shake things up and to ultimately bring us back to our soul, rather than our ego. There for, lunar eclipses can amplify full moon magic - the magic of releasing what doesn’t serve you and celebrating your accomplishments on the full moon, of harnessing its powerful energy into action that moves you forward.
Because the energies surrounding eclipses are not so solid, this is not a time for full moon rituals. It’s a better time to simply be with yourself and see what comes up.
However, if you already work with Tarot cards, you can try my Full Moon Tarot spread below!
Full Moon Tarot spread
This four card Full Moon Tarot spread can be used for any full moon, with any Tarot deck. Check it out below!
Full Moon Tarot spread by Life Forces Inc.
For the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, I would suggest trying this spread the days leading up to or after the exact day of this lunation, when the energies are a bit more mellow. If it feels right on the night of this Super Moon Eclipse, go for it! Trust your intuition.
Before pulling your cards for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius or any full moon, center yourself with some cleansing breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Breathe slowly and deeply with your eyes closed for a few moments. Then when you’re ready, open your eyes, shuffle the cards until it feels right, and pull four cards to arrange them in this spread. Place the first card to the left, the second one on the bottom, the third one on top, and the fourth card to the right, as if marking four points of a compass or cross.
The cards indicate the following:
Card 1 (left) - What is the lesson of this past lunar cycle?
Card 2 (bottom) - What do I need to release at this time?
Card 3 (top) - What can I celebrate right now?
Card 4 (right) - What am I bringing forward with me?
Take as much time as you need absorbing the wisdom of the cards, and consider journaling your reflections.
How do you interpret this exciting Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius? What are your thoughts on Full Moons in general? Let me know what you think in the comments below and feel free to share any revelations from your Full Moon Tarot spread!