Jupiter in Pisces - Compassionate, Spiritual Expansion

Jupiter in Pisces vibes - magic, spiritual, compassionate

Jupiter in Pisces vibes - magic, spiritual, compassionate

When is Jupiter in Pisces happening?

Jupiter moved into Pisces from Aquarius on May 13 2021, where it will remain until July 28. Then it will ingress back into Aquarius, returning to Pisces December 28, where it will make its home through May 10, 2022. Jupiter spends about a year in each sign.

What is the meaning of Jupiter in Pisces?

Jupiter as a planet represents expansion, beliefs, wisdom, luck, and fortune. In the sign of Pisces, the sort of growth we can expect will be on a spiritual, subconscious, compassionate, and creative level.

Pisces is the culmination of everything, the combination of all the Zodiac signs preceding it. It knows that all is interconnected, whether or not we acknowledge it. War and peace, compassion and cruelty, the conscious and subconscious, the physical and the spiritual, the smallest atom to the biggest mountain, the microcosm and the macrocosm.

Your connection to spirituality, to the Divine, to whatever you want to call it may deepen. Inspiration might flow more easily through you. Perhaps your intuition will grow stronger. Perhaps you'll feel more sensitive to energies and emotions around you, as Pisces is a mutable water sign.

However, you might also feel the need to escape, or might be more easily swayed by illusion. We all need to check out of reality once in a while, but take care to ensure you're still firmly here with us on Earth.

In the Crowley Tarot deck, Jupiter in Pisces is represented by the 9 of Cups. This card is all about feeling emotionally fulfilled, happiness overflowing; pure bliss and blessings. Regardless of what might be happening in the material world, joy is always within us. It's our truth. Open yourself up to the harmony that underlies everything, remember tswhat you have been blessed with, and let the inner joy follow.


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