New Moon in Aries - Commit to Yourself & Your Desires
New Moon in Aries 2022 - April 1 at 6:24am GMT
exact at 1h34 EST / 6h24 GMT / 7h24 CET Friday, April 1 2022 at 11 degrees Aries
You know what’s best for you. You really do.
That’s one of the messages of this New Moon in Aries.
Keep this in mind as you consider these words and bring them into the next few days of your life.
Here we are at the beginning of the astrological New Year, driven by the cardinal fire energy of Aries, the ram. The will to get things started, with passion, drive, and vigour. The determination to just do it.
Aries’ sheer potency in this lunation is slightly thwarted in two ways.
Chart of the New Moon in Aries, April 1 2022 at 6:24am GMT
Firstly Chiron, an asteroid representing the wounded healer archetype, is also in the sign of Aries, and forming a tight conjunction to the Sun and Moon (Chiron is at 12 degrees Aries, the Sun and Moon are 12 degrees). It has been there since 2019, and will remain until it fully ingresses into the sign of Taurus in 2027. Significations for Chiron in Aries are wounds surfacing in the collective sphere when it comes to personal independence and identity. I wonder also if it might relate to the limitations of identity politics, or simply the notion that labels cannot ever wholly define us, and have the potential to do more harm than good.
So yes, we have a fresh opportunity to connect with ourselves, but it arrives with a bit of baggage on the level of our emotions and essential self. This New Moon in Aries asks:
What wounds are still present preventing you from showing up fully as yourself?
What’s in the way of just going for the things that you desire?
Second, Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars, ruling our action and drives, is currently in the sign of Aquarius, less fiery, more intellectual and airy. On one hand, this is interesting as we’re reckoning with our sense of self and our personal desires, on the other, there’s a Universal request for us to act in a way that is driven by innovation, intellectual consideration, and in service of something bigger than us as individuals.
The challenge here is that Saturn, planet of restriction and boundaries, is right on top of Mars, blocking its full-speed-ahead expression. We will likely feel this sensation of pushing on the gas and hitting the brakes simultaneously closer to April 5, when the transit is exact. It’s not that the Universe will block you from doing what you want to do, it’s simply encouraging commitment, responsibility, and more deliberate action. It’s as if Saturn is saying, “I know that this is what you want, but please make sure you fully own this desire and show me that you’re committed to it, even if obstacles appear.”
Piscean energy is still very much present throughout the month of April, and it’s worth mentioning here. There is an expansion of faith concurring with the will of Aries. Jupiter, which expands, and Neptune, which points to both dreams and illusions, are together in the sign of Pisces, moving closer together until they form a conjunction on April 12. There is a building potential for faith in the direction we’re going that we can harness, but be mindful that its foundation is strong and not a product of delusion.
If we are able to balance the cumulating energies of faith and will– the expansive potential dreams of Pisces and the forward moving action of Aries (with Aries’ ruler Mars directly influenced by the realism and responsibility of Saturn in Aquarius), we will move through this New Moon in Aries triumphant. Regardless, we need both in our daily lives, the certainty that things can expand and be brighter, and the force within us to create the positive changes to make it happen.
Remember, you know what’s best for you. Deep down, you know what’s holding you back. You know what needs to be healed, as frustrating or fearful as that can be. It’s up to you to fully commit to yourself. And in my experience, when you fully commit to yourself and your desire, you are fully committed to moving through whatever comes up that wishes to be healed.
I believe in you!
If you’d like to go deeper, here’s a practical exercise for this New Moon in Aries and the weeks to follow.
1. Make a list of 1-3 things you’d like to accomplish, short-term or long-term.
2. Write down WHY you desire these things / experiences and HOW they make you feel.
3. Next, write down any limiting beliefs you have surrounding these desires. This shows you what needs to be healed.
For example, “I can’t start and finish a painting because I’m not talented.”
4. Examine these limiting beliefs. Where did they come from? Is there a memory attached to them?
What did that “untalented” version of you need to feel talented?
5. Devise a plan with a few simple action steps for each thing you’d like to accomplish.
6. Whenever the limiting beliefs come up, remind yourself of your WHY and HOW your desires make you feel.
Give the younger version of yourself what they need to feel whole.
For example, you could tell yourself, “The more you paint, no matter how it looks, the more talented you’re becoming. Keep going!”
7. JUST DO IT. Integrate your action steps into your weekly plan.
For example, on Monday you buy the paint supplies you need, Wednesday you start sketching out your painting, and Saturday you start painting.
8. Keep going and celebrate yourself!